Leany on Life

Race Standings


8 Oct 2012









I like the evolutionof the chair in this next sequence : 







Tags: election

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Just Give me the Number

8 Oct 2012

Last week I stepped on the scale at the gym and was horrified to see that I had lost four pounds since I had last stepped on the scales.  I hate that. It means I'm getting fatter.

Fact: I would like to weigh 15 lbs. more than I do right now.
Fact: Right now I weigh 15 lbs. more than the charts say I should.
Fact: The charts don't give you the information that's really meaningful

Anyone who weighs what I'm supposed to weigh can't bench press a shop broom without a spotter.

Weight is the most common number you think about when you're measuring how fat you are. It's easy. It's one number.

How much you weigh is one indicator that can help you determine how fit you are. But if you are getting fit, at some point that number is going to confuse what you're trying to do. When you get close to where you need to be, a loss in weight means you're losing ground and gaining fat.

You have to look at more factors.

Someone tried to fix that by introducing the BMI. The BMI is more complex than just weight, but just as worthless. Actually,...


Tags: democrat deceit, election

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Wait, wait, I've got it!

4 Oct 2012

Okay, I do after all have a unique slant on last night.

I do agree with all the other commentary about Romney dominating. I agree that the left will have every conceivable excuse for why he did poorly--along with a dozen more that no sane human being could have conceived of--but the reason he did such an awful job is because you simply cannot defend his position. When you draw out the position  "Defend the thesis that water is composed of crystal meth and peanut butter," you will do poorly if your opponent is awake.

Here's my take: Romney's clear win will not sway any "undecided" voters. I stand by my position that a person who would consider for a second voting for Obama would never consider voting for Romney, and vice versa.

What it will do is remove their ability to spout the bullcrap that they are voting for him because he's the best man for the job. Last night made it obvious that's not true.

Yeah, you may have your reasons to vote for him, but you can no longer credibly say that they have anything to do with who's the best person for the job.

You know...


Tags: election, leany on life exclusive

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Oh, honey, we're not keeping score in this game . . .

4 Oct 2012

I almost hesitate to blog about this because . . . what do you say that's not obvious?

Romney hammered Obama, Obama looked uncomfortable, what a contrast, man vs. mouse, McCain: If it had been a fight they would have had to stop it.  . . . I would like to come up with an angle that hasn't already occurred to anyone that was paying attention. But when a Major League team simply runs over a Little League team there isn't a lot of nuanced analysis to be done.

This is why I love debates--you get to see the real person without all the prepared scripts, etc. 

You know it was a bloodbath when the world's biggest idiots Bill Maher and Michael Moore-on have to concede that Obama got slaughtered. 

Maybe I should be satisfied with just basking in the victory. It's great how when you get the two men toe to toe, without Obama hiding behind the skirts of the media, that it becomes so clear. 


Tags: election

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