Leany on Life

Race Standings

The democrat view on things

8 Oct 2012

We laugh to keep from crying . . . 






Tags: cartoons, democrat insanity

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Dog Whistle Update

8 Oct 2012

Just to keep you current,here is the latest "racial code" that we are using. Thanks to Chris Matthews for sniffing those out for us.
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Speaking of Foreign Policy

8 Oct 2012

Jonah Goldberg provides us with this handy list of some of Obama's Foreign Policy debacles.



Seriously? Announcing the date you're going to withdraw? That's one of those ideas that's "so ridiculous that to state it is to refute it." 

I'm going to wake up on the couch watching the press reluctantly announce that McCain just won the election and realize this whole thing has been one of those ridiculous nonsensical dreams. 

Tags: afghanistan, obama incompetence

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Brent Bozell nails it

8 Oct 2012

Read this article talking about Obama's UN speech.

The astonishing incompetence he showcased in dealing with a melting down Middle East makes it clear to everyone he's not suited for this job. But keep in mind that the rules have changed. Obama wasn't elected because of his capability. His pathetic handling of foreign policy won't harm him politically in the slightest. 


Tags: obama bashing, obama incompetence

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8 Oct 2012









I like the evolutionof the chair in this next sequence : 







Tags: election

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Just Give me the Number

8 Oct 2012

Last week I stepped on the scale at the gym and was horrified to see that I had lost four pounds since I had last stepped on the scales.  I hate that. It means I'm getting fatter.

Fact: I would like to weigh 15 lbs. more than I do right now.
Fact: Right now I weigh 15 lbs. more than the charts say I should.
Fact: The charts don't give you the information that's really meaningful

Anyone who weighs what I'm supposed to weigh can't bench press a shop broom without a spotter.

Weight is the most common number you think about when you're measuring how fat you are. It's easy. It's one number.

How much you weigh is one indicator that can help you determine how fit you are. But if you are getting fit, at some point that number is going to confuse what you're trying to do. When you get close to where you need to be, a loss in weight means you're losing ground and gaining fat.

You have to look at more factors.

Someone tried to fix that by introducing the BMI. The BMI is more complex than just weight, but just as worthless. Actually,...


Tags: democrat deceit, election

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Hay que creer en algo

4 Oct 2012

I painted the scenario where you're talking to an Obama fanatic and he's trying to tell you he supports Obama on policy or ability or some ridiculous thing. You just say "Uh . . . and the debate?"

The fanatic you're talking to just has to give a sheepish grin and a shrug. 

The Obama fanatic reminds me of some people I met on my mission. We were always getting the same kinds of lines "Look, I believe in . . . " Always the same thing. We'd be polite and not pushy. You hear it so many dozens of times and you develop a way to deal with it.

One day had been particulary hard and we were talking to one guy and he started the recording "Look, I believe in . . ."

My companion started laughing. He didn't mean to, but once he did it kinda' made sense that he should.

The guy got kind of a sheepish grin. "Well," he said, "You've got to believe in something, I guess . . . " 

Tags: obama love

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Wait, wait, I've got it!

4 Oct 2012

Okay, I do after all have a unique slant on last night.

I do agree with all the other commentary about Romney dominating. I agree that the left will have every conceivable excuse for why he did poorly--along with a dozen more that no sane human being could have conceived of--but the reason he did such an awful job is because you simply cannot defend his position. When you draw out the position  "Defend the thesis that water is composed of crystal meth and peanut butter," you will do poorly if your opponent is awake.

Here's my take: Romney's clear win will not sway any "undecided" voters. I stand by my position that a person who would consider for a second voting for Obama would never consider voting for Romney, and vice versa.

What it will do is remove their ability to spout the bullcrap that they are voting for him because he's the best man for the job. Last night made it obvious that's not true.

Yeah, you may have your reasons to vote for him, but you can no longer credibly say that they have anything to do with who's the best person for the job.

You know...


Tags: election, leany on life exclusive

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Phoning it in, Part duh

4 Oct 2012

You recall, of course, my brilliant plan to have Juan Williams join the All Star panel by phone from now on, since he explained that in the modern age a phone call is as good as an in person visit.

The obvious followup--and I came up with this after only three weeks of thinking about it--is "Well, if a phone call is just as good, why didn't Obama call in to the View and David Letterman?"


Tags: obama incompetence

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Oh, honey, we're not keeping score in this game . . .

4 Oct 2012

I almost hesitate to blog about this because . . . what do you say that's not obvious?

Romney hammered Obama, Obama looked uncomfortable, what a contrast, man vs. mouse, McCain: If it had been a fight they would have had to stop it.  . . . I would like to come up with an angle that hasn't already occurred to anyone that was paying attention. But when a Major League team simply runs over a Little League team there isn't a lot of nuanced analysis to be done.

This is why I love debates--you get to see the real person without all the prepared scripts, etc. 

You know it was a bloodbath when the world's biggest idiots Bill Maher and Michael Moore-on have to concede that Obama got slaughtered. 

Maybe I should be satisfied with just basking in the victory. It's great how when you get the two men toe to toe, without Obama hiding behind the skirts of the media, that it becomes so clear. 


Tags: election

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Democrat Voter Drive

3 Oct 2012

You didn't work for that

3 Oct 2012

New Blog Format

3 Oct 2012

Comment. Do you like it, do you hate it? Is it at least the right direction, even if it's not there yet.

C'mon, people, it's been up here for 12 minutes already. One of my three visitors has to have seen it.

Let's hear some comments. 

Tags: blah-blah-blog

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But I'm not making fun . . .

3 Oct 2012

Chris Matthews is mentally ill.

I said I felt bad making fun of a special needs guy, and I'll stand by that. But he's still a despicable piece of crap.

See, this is how this works. You can't be "Not guilty by reason of insanity." That's bullcrap. You either did it or you didn't. The fact that you did it because you're insane doesn't mean you're "not guilty." That's an idea so stupid that it takes years of law school to convince you that it's true.

Chris Matthews is a despicable steaming pile of crap. He's insane--I'm not making fun of him. But he's a racist stinking pile of excrement . . . and he's got a lot of company. A lot of company. 

I'm talking about the way these lunatics see race in everything. Romney says "That's foreign to our way of thinking."

Democrats say: Did you hear that? Did you hear that?!!


Foreign! He said foreign! It's a dog whistle! So is "apartment," "welfare," "Chicago," "jobs,"  and . . . (I am not making this up)  . . . "the."

You are freaking crazy.

 Chris Matthews (who is, as you recall, a steaming pile of racist crap) said...


Tags: evil democrats, insane democrats, racism

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New Blog Format

3 Oct 2012

Okay, I don't like it, but I'll try it.

Here's what I want to do--I want to have a blog that I can post easily to without doing a lot of html code, and I want something that people can easily comment on.

But . . .

I want it to have the format and flexibility that I like. This ain't it.

I know there's a better template out there; until I bother to use it, let's see how this works.

The Classic Blog is here. If I don't get flooded with comments I'm just going back to that.

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The Halfrican

3 Oct 2012

I once referred to Obama as a Halfrican. The person I was talking to said that was hateful. So I passed that test.

Obama is a halfrican. You say it's ugly to call him that. I say: He has absolutely nothing in common with the American black man. Not in background or genealogy or culture or experience.

Obama stepped deep in it in the Middle East. He's completely lost. He is astonishingly inept at foreign policy. So when he got our embassy destroyed and our ambassador killed, he blamed it on a video.


Then he had the guy who made it arrested. Welcome to Amerika.

This is how it works: Obama says you have free speech, as long as he approves of what you have to say.

I say bull puckey. Free Speech isn't intended to protect the popular viewpoints. Quite the opposite. That's what freedom is all about. And that's what Obama doesn't understand (stupid) or intentionally manipulates (evil). You can't win a war when you aren't even allowed to identify the enemy.

Okay, was that enough pre-ramble? 'Cause I'm fixing to talk about race. And it's forbidden . . . or verboten . ....


Tags: obama got elected because he is black, racism

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Count on it

3 Oct 2012

You remember that episode of Hogan's Heroes where a bomb landed in the compound. Klink and Hogan went out to defuse it while everybody else hid in the barracks. Hogan got the cover open and took out his wire cutters. He asked Colonel Klink which wire to cut--the black one or the white one.

Klink hesitated, then said "The white one!"

Hogan cut the black wire and the bomb was defused.

After the commercial break they are wrapping up the episode in Klink's office. Klink asks "If you knew which wire it was, why did you ask me?"

Hogan says " I wasn't sure which was the right one, but I was certain you'd pick the wrong one."

That's Obama.

When there's a decision to make on foreign policy, you can abso-freaking-lutely bet your posterior adipose tissue that he will make the wrong decision.

The populace is trying to overthrow the government of Iran? Leave 'em hanging. They're trying to overthrow the government of Lybia? Get rid of that government!

Just one foreign policy flub after another.

Tags: obama bashing

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The Tenuous Testimony of a Racist

3 Oct 2012

Barack Obama doesn't have many supporters. No, he really doesn't. You don't often hear people say "He's only a man, but he's the best man for the job." They have to worship him; they speak of him in superlatives.

Why is that?

Racists like Chris Matthews and David Brooks have a lot riding on Obama. That's why they fight so hard to maintain a fantasy image of him.

My self-esteem doesn't hang on the color of the man I vote for. I'm not a racist, so my psyche can survive his being a waste of skin, even though he's a black man

Political leaders have supporters; and Barack Obama is not a political leader; he's a celebrity. He doesn't have supporters, he has adoring fans. No one says "I think Barack Obama is the man to lead this country."

They are more like "God prays to Barack Obama."

Tags: evil democrats, racism

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Phoning it in

3 Oct 2012

So the Middle East is on fire. Netanyahu wants to meet with the President of the United States-- or the closest thing we have at the moment. But Obama is too busy going on The View and David Letterman.
For some reason Americans don't think that's right.

So Juan Williams says "Come on, guys! We have telephones now, that's just as good as meeting in person."

He's sitting at a table with other members in a panel--sitting on a panel with other people--sitting in the same room talking to other people, and trying to convince them that a phone call is just as good.

If I were in charge, the next week Krauthammer and the others would be sitting at the table, but Williams would be missing. You play the clip of him saying that a phone call is just as good, then explain that he will be joining the panel via phone from now on.

If it's good enough for Netanyahu, why shouldn't it be good enough for Juan Williams?

it's amazing how stupid these people are willing to make themselves look to try to keep the President from looking as stupid as he is.

Tags: democrat hypocrisy, obama bashing

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Silence, Infidel!

3 Oct 2012

You know the deal: the message that the muslims are trying to send is that if you criticize Islam, you die. This is a message that the Obama administration is not repudiating.

In fact, he's supporting it. A real President would say "I don't care why you attacked our embassy. You did, and now we are going to kill you." That's what happens when you attack the United States. We die for criticizing your religion? Well, you die for attacking us. How's that, you prehistoric troglodytes?

That's what a real leader would say. Obama, on the other hands, is saying "Hey, we are disgusted by the video, too. I get it. I see you, man."

Oh, but I said he's supporting it. He is. Tacit approval is bad enough, but it goes well beyond that. You've heard about the global resolution that the Obama administration supports to make it criminal to criticize Islam. Yep. If Obama has his way, Free Speech will be a crime.

You shouldn't be surprised. Obama destroys America and you criticize him for it, then Bill Clinton (pardon my language) says you are the hater. That's the exact same thing...


Tags: duplicitous democrats, evil democrats, silencing debate

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Don't Fall For It!

3 Oct 2012

You are listening to the president's speech at the UN. You are horrified and disgusted.

He caused the death of our ambassador and the destruction of our embassy, and now he's blaming it on a video that nobody saw. Then he has the gall to pretend to defend Free Speech, this after supporting a resolution to make it a crime to criticize Mohammed. Oh, and isn't it quite a coincidence that the maker of the video was arrested?

True to form, he makes it all about himself. "I--the President, the Commander in Chief--I have to accept that people say horrible, awful, ugly things about me every day." Can you believe it? Me!

You are disgusted and repulsed by the man.

All of a sudden you pause, "Omigosh! It's just like Bill Clinton said. I do feel an intense antipathy toward this guy."

You resolve right there and then to not say--nay, not even think bad things about Barack Obama.

Don't. You. Dare.

Don't you freaking dare. Don't you fall for their nefarious trap.

What? He gets to be evil but you're the bad guy for not liking that?

This is the same old thing. They...


Tags: evil democrats, silencing debate

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Thinkers, Stinkers, and Linkers

3 Oct 2012

They say there are three kinds of bloggers: Thinkers, stinkers, and linkers. I've been each of those at some point. Today I'm a linker. Too tired to do anything else.

The other day I printed off a stack of articles to read. That reminded me of why I don't do that anymore. All but one of them hit it out of the park.

Read these:

Do Democrats Own the Terms 'Racism' and 'Lying'? by Lurita Doan.
I cheered when I read this. She nails it! " . . . , applying Democrat-themed meanings for the specific purpose of cowing Republicans into silence and submission."

She has the guts to tell the truth--that democrats use any criticism of Obama to cry racism, but they voted for him specifically because he's black. Exactly. Eggs-freaking-zactly! It's like I said, if the only reason I can dislike him is because he's black, that's the only reason you can like him. If our differing politics can't play one way, they can't the other.

Okay, I know I said I was playing linker, but I'm sorry, I'm going to go all thinker on you for a second. I know that's more boring.

This ties into...


Tags: articles

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Protecting Their Investment

3 Oct 2012

Jonah Goldberg said it best: the media are protecting their investment. They made themselves look so ridiculous last election, they have to try to polish that road apple into the gold trophy they described. (Please look up "road apple" so I don't have to put bad words into my blog.)
It's like what I said about Chris Matthews and his ilk and their pathetic hero worship of the man. They have a lot hanging on him. You really have to feel sorry for their pathetic condition. Can you imagine hanging your hopes and your self-esteem on someone who's proven himself as inept as Obama?

Sad, really.

And it is just for them. They are trying to sway an election, but it's not like anything they say or hide is going to make a dime's bit of difference. Nothing that the man can do will change a single vote. If you're stupid enough to vote for someone as astonishingly incompetent as Barack Obama, that's an absolute. It's not a continuum or a step function, where you say "Okay, but if he gets one more ambassador killed . . ."

If you are voting...

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I'm an old hippie . . .

3 Oct 2012

Okay, I don't like it, but I'll try it.

 Here's what I want to do--I want to have a blog that I can post easily to without doing a lot of html code, and I want something that people can easily comment on.

 But . . .

I want it to have the format and flexibility that I like. This ain't it.

I know there's a better template out there; until I bother to use it, let's see how this works.

The Classic Blog is here. If I don't get flooded with comments I'm just going back to that.

Tags: blah-blah-blog

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What? He's wearing clothes!

3 Oct 2012

Obama Wan Kenobi

3 Oct 2012

Another Such Victory and All is Lost

3 Oct 2012

Okay, so Apple fixed the really annoying video pause and Safari search glitches (that they introduced with the last upgrade). But why do they have to break things that are working just fine?

The first thing I noticed is that they broke Siri. Most of the time the Raise to Speak function doesn't even work now. And when it does work, it drops off the first two or three words that you say. I'm going to start saying "Wake up, Siri . . . " then recording my message from now on.

I mean, I understand, that's an amazing technology and it's got to be incredibly complicated to get working right. But it wasworking before the "upgrade."

Then you're so happy that you can finally click on "search" again and have it search, that it takes awhile to notice that you can no longer move the cursor or select words int he search window. Want to change the search terms? Backspace over everything you have in there, even if the word you want to change is the first of seven words you typed in.

My opinion of upgrades remains intact.

Tags: upgrades, whining

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A Funny Thing Happened . . .

3 Oct 2012

A black man, a muslim and a communist walk into a bar. The bartender says "What can I get you, Mr. President?"

Tags: jokes, obama bashing

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Obama on Free Speech

3 Oct 2012

Did you hear about that uncomfortable moment at the press conference with Obama?

Yeah, I guess a Fox News reporter was telling Obama "You know what I miss about George Bush?"

"What's that?" Obama asked.

"Well, with George Bush I could stand up any time and criticize the way he was doing things, and he'd listen to me."

"Well, that's no different in my Amerika," Obama told him.

"It's not?"

"Nope. I'll listen to you criticize George Bush anytime you want, too."

Tags: jokes, obama bashing

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