Leany on Life

Race Standings

But I'm not making fun . . .

3 Oct 2012

Chris Matthews is mentally ill.

I said I felt bad making fun of a special needs guy, and I'll stand by that. But he's still a despicable piece of crap.

See, this is how this works. You can't be "Not guilty by reason of insanity." That's bullcrap. You either did it or you didn't. The fact that you did it because you're insane doesn't mean you're "not guilty." That's an idea so stupid that it takes years of law school to convince you that it's true.

Chris Matthews is a despicable steaming pile of crap. He's insane--I'm not making fun of him. But he's a racist stinking pile of excrement . . . and he's got a lot of company. A lot of company. 

I'm talking about the way these lunatics see race in everything. Romney says "That's foreign to our way of thinking."

Democrats say: Did you hear that? Did you hear that?!!


Foreign! He said foreign! It's a dog whistle! So is "apartment," "welfare," "Chicago," "jobs,"  and . . . (I am not making this up)  . . . "the."

You are freaking crazy.

 Chris Matthews (who is, as you recall, a steaming pile of racist crap) said...


Tags: evil democrats, insane democrats, racism

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The Halfrican

3 Oct 2012

I once referred to Obama as a Halfrican. The person I was talking to said that was hateful. So I passed that test.

Obama is a halfrican. You say it's ugly to call him that. I say: He has absolutely nothing in common with the American black man. Not in background or genealogy or culture or experience.

Obama stepped deep in it in the Middle East. He's completely lost. He is astonishingly inept at foreign policy. So when he got our embassy destroyed and our ambassador killed, he blamed it on a video.


Then he had the guy who made it arrested. Welcome to Amerika.

This is how it works: Obama says you have free speech, as long as he approves of what you have to say.

I say bull puckey. Free Speech isn't intended to protect the popular viewpoints. Quite the opposite. That's what freedom is all about. And that's what Obama doesn't understand (stupid) or intentionally manipulates (evil). You can't win a war when you aren't even allowed to identify the enemy.

Okay, was that enough pre-ramble? 'Cause I'm fixing to talk about race. And it's forbidden . . . or verboten . ....


Tags: obama got elected because he is black, racism

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The Tenuous Testimony of a Racist

3 Oct 2012

Barack Obama doesn't have many supporters. No, he really doesn't. You don't often hear people say "He's only a man, but he's the best man for the job." They have to worship him; they speak of him in superlatives.

Why is that?

Racists like Chris Matthews and David Brooks have a lot riding on Obama. That's why they fight so hard to maintain a fantasy image of him.

My self-esteem doesn't hang on the color of the man I vote for. I'm not a racist, so my psyche can survive his being a waste of skin, even though he's a black man

Political leaders have supporters; and Barack Obama is not a political leader; he's a celebrity. He doesn't have supporters, he has adoring fans. No one says "I think Barack Obama is the man to lead this country."

They are more like "God prays to Barack Obama."

Tags: evil democrats, racism

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