Leany on Life

Race Standings

Silence, Infidel!

3 Oct 2012

You know the deal: the message that the muslims are trying to send is that if you criticize Islam, you die. This is a message that the Obama administration is not repudiating.

In fact, he's supporting it. A real President would say "I don't care why you attacked our embassy. You did, and now we are going to kill you." That's what happens when you attack the United States. We die for criticizing your religion? Well, you die for attacking us. How's that, you prehistoric troglodytes?

That's what a real leader would say. Obama, on the other hands, is saying "Hey, we are disgusted by the video, too. I get it. I see you, man."

Oh, but I said he's supporting it. He is. Tacit approval is bad enough, but it goes well beyond that. You've heard about the global resolution that the Obama administration supports to make it criminal to criticize Islam. Yep. If Obama has his way, Free Speech will be a crime.

You shouldn't be surprised. Obama destroys America and you criticize him for it, then Bill Clinton (pardon my language) says you are the hater. That's the exact same thing...


Tags: duplicitous democrats, evil democrats, silencing debate

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Don't Fall For It!

3 Oct 2012

You are listening to the president's speech at the UN. You are horrified and disgusted.

He caused the death of our ambassador and the destruction of our embassy, and now he's blaming it on a video that nobody saw. Then he has the gall to pretend to defend Free Speech, this after supporting a resolution to make it a crime to criticize Mohammed. Oh, and isn't it quite a coincidence that the maker of the video was arrested?

True to form, he makes it all about himself. "I--the President, the Commander in Chief--I have to accept that people say horrible, awful, ugly things about me every day." Can you believe it? Me!

You are disgusted and repulsed by the man.

All of a sudden you pause, "Omigosh! It's just like Bill Clinton said. I do feel an intense antipathy toward this guy."

You resolve right there and then to not say--nay, not even think bad things about Barack Obama.

Don't. You. Dare.

Don't you freaking dare. Don't you fall for their nefarious trap.

What? He gets to be evil but you're the bad guy for not liking that?

This is the same old thing. They...


Tags: evil democrats, silencing debate

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